How your breathing is shaping your face
Did you know that for a healthy body and harmonious face development we should be nose breathing for 96 % of the time? This is almost all the time except for strenuous physical exercise.
We all might have heard before that the nose is filtering, warming, and humidifying the air preparing it for the lungs.
Looking further, what else happens if we use the alternate route – Mouth-breathing?
Opening the mouth to breathe forces the tongue to come off the roof and assume a low position losing the scaffolding effect for the upper jaw. Furthermore, the cheeks will add lateral pressure on the upper jaw that was left unsupported narrowing the dental arches and crowding the teeth.
The alteration of the development of the jaw will design what is called “mouth breather” facial features, typically considered not as desirable or attractive with a long and narrow face, smaller cheekbones, dark circles under the tired-looking eyes, short upper lip with a gummy smile, unapparent lips, crooked teeth and much more.
BUT the facial appearance is only the surface signal of other ongoing structural and functional maladaptations that the whole body is undergoing.